15 Fun Things to Do on a Paddle Board – Maddleboards

15 Fun Things to Do on a Paddle Board

Paddle boarding is a great way to have fun and get some exercise at the same time. One of the most enjoyable aspects of paddle boarding is the sense of freedom and adventure it provides. Whether you're exploring calm waters or riding waves, there's a thrill that comes with being out on the water that is difficult to beat. In this blog post, we will list 15 activities that you can do on a paddle board. These activities are sure to get your heart rate up and make you smile!

Check out our list!

maddle sun

1. SUP Yoga

SUP yoga is a distinctive style of yoga, performed on a paddle board while floating out on water. It's a fantastic way to incorporate the meditative and relaxing aspects of yoga with the thrill and difficulty of balancing on a paddle board.

Woman doing yoga on paddle board

SUP yoga is best on a shallow, tranquil body of water, such a lake or calm ocean bay, where you can securely anchor your board. After you have secured the paddle board, you’re ready to start doing yoga poses on it while adjusting to the stability and motion of the water. On the board, you can perform many common yoga postures, but you may need to make some tweaks and adjustments to stay balanced and avoid falling into the water.

SUP yoga requires increased focus and concentration to maintain balance, which will help you feel more present in the moment. Being surrounded by the peacefulness of the lake will enrich your yoga practice by providing an unmatched sense of calm and tranquility. Not only that, but SUP yoga also provides a full-body workout, as the constant movement and adjustments required to maintain balance engage a wide range of muscles.

2. Paddle Board Races

Paddle board racing is a fun aquatic activity in which you can compete against others. With varying race distances and formats, it can be played in a variety of aquatic locations, such as flatwater lakes or open ocean conditions. It’s a great way to get your competitive juices flowing, and a fun activity to do with friends or family.

Paddle board racing gives you a full-body workout that works your core, arms, back, and legs. Additionally, it will enhance your cardiovascular health, balance, and endurance. 

If you love fun paddle board races with your family or friends, it’s also a competitive sport. You can become a paddle board racer and compete against other racers in your area!

3. Paddle Board Fitness

Paddle board fitness combines stand-up paddle boarding with numerous fitness exercises to produce a full-body workout. Paddle board fitness can accommodate a wide range of fitness levels and objectives and can be done in waves or calm seas. Workouts are made more difficult and effective by the instability of the board, which calls for stronger core involvement.

Paddle board fitness provides a low-impact, high-intensity workout that works several different muscle groups, enhances balance, and improves coordination. Being out on the water can also provide a sense of relaxation and mental clarity, making it a great way to relieve stress and improve overall well-being.

4. Paddle Boarding with Your Dog

Paddle boarding with your dog is a great way to bond with your dog and enjoy the outdoors together.

Practice simple commands with your dog before getting on the water, such as sit and stay, to make sure they stay safe on the board. To avoid any fear or anxiety, paddle in calm water conditions and to introduce your dog to the activity gradually. Bring lots of water and snacks for them, and make sure they are wearing life jackets. Additionally, keep an eye on their actions and body language and paddle within your dog's comfort zone.

5. Paddle Boarding With Your Kids

Taking your kids along on a stand-up paddle board journey can be a fun and educational experience for both you and your children. It’s a wonderful way to spend time outdoors with your kids, engage with them, and teach them water safety. 

Beforehand, be sure to review water safety rules with your kid, including how to wear a life jacket, how to paddle safely, and how to fall into the water without panicking. As with any new activity with your kid, pay attention to their tone and their words to be sure that you don’t push them too far beyond their comfort zone.

6. Bring a Friend

Friends reading and listening to music on paddle boards

Paddle boarding can be a great social activity to suggest to your friends. Together, you can discover new waterways, take turns being the group leader, relax on your boards, or even do any of the other activities on this list together! Plus, nothing beats a picnic or BBQ on the shore with your friends to cap off a day on the water.

7. Paddle Boarding at Night

Paddle boarding under the stars is a truly magical experience. It is beautiful to feel the calmness and serenity of the water while the moon and stars are out. If you're fortunate enough to witness bioluminescence in the water, it's an unforgettable sight. Additionally, paddle boarding at night can give you a new perspective on familiar waterways that you may have paddled previously. 

When paddleboarding at night, be extra aware of your surroundings and the weather conditions. Wear a personal flotation device at all times, and make sure your board is lit up with a flashlight so you can be seen by other boats and paddle boarders. Avoid areas with strong currents or other recognized risks and stick close to the shoreline. In case of an emergency, let someone know where you're going and when you anticipate to return. Last but not least, be mindful of any animals that might be more active at night and be careful not to disturb them.

8. Paddle Board Fishing

Paddle board fishing can be a fun and challenging way to catch fish while enjoying the peace of the water. The quietness of the paddle board allows you to get super close to the fish without scaring them away. Fishing from a paddle board also gives you access to tucked-away locations that might not be accessible by boat. 

Look for fish activity in places like inlets, shallow water, or close to underwater structures. To keep your board in place, use an anchor or stakeout pole. Then, cast your line and wait for a bite! If you’re interested in paddle board fishing, get yourself a fishing license and have some fun!

9. Paddle Board Surfing

Paddle board surfing, also known as SUP surfing, is a thrilling and challenging sport that involves riding waves on a paddle board, giving you the chance to enjoy the rush of surfing in a new and unique way. It can also be a way to discover new beaches and coasts. Additionally, the constant paddling and balancing needed to catch and ride waves engages your core, arms, and legs, giving you a great cardio and strength-training full-body workout. 

Paddle out to the waves and position yourself to catch one. Start paddling as the wave approaches and use the paddle to balance and steer the board. Once you're on the wave, you may control your speed and direction by using the paddle and your body weight.

10. Paddle Board Tours

Paddle board tours are a fantastic opportunity to discover new waterways and appreciate nature's beauty from a different angle. These tours are often led by knowledgeable guides who are familiar with the area's ecosystem and can answer questions about the plants and animals you come across. On a  paddle board tour, you get a close-up look at nature. Since you are standing, you have a great view into the water. There is a chance to see a variety of animals in their native environments, including fish, birds, sea turtles, and dolphins. You can take a paddle board tour through calm lakes and rivers, along the coast, or even into hidden coves and bays.

11. Paddle Board Camping

Camping with paddle boards is a fun way to enjoy nature. You can discover secluded coves, distant beaches, and tranquil lakes on a paddle board that might not be reachable by foot or by car. Compared to typical camping, paddle board camping involves a little more planning and preparation, but the rewards are well worth it.

Your camping supplies should be placed in dry bags and fastened to your board. As there won't be much room on your board, bring only what you absolutely need. Additionally, you should make sure you have the proper safety gear, such as a life jacket and first aid kit, as well as enough food and water to last the duration of your journey.

Paddle board camping brings a sense of solitude that comes with being surrounded by nature. Nothing compares to waking up to a stunning sunrise over the water or drifting off to sleep to the sound of lapping waves. For solo paddlers, families or groups of friends looking for an exciting adventure, paddle board camping is a fantastic way to get some exercise and fresh air.

12. Paddle Board Exploration

Exploring new places on a paddle board provides a sense of adventure and discovery. You can get to secluded locations like secret coves, peaceful inlets, and meandering waterways that might not be accessible in other ways. Exploring the world on a paddle board gives you a distinctive perspective that enables you to view things differently and enjoy nature's beauty in new ways. Paddle board exploration is also a great way to get some exercise and fresh air, and can be a fun activity to share with friends or family.

woman using binoculars on paddle board

13. Whitewater Paddle Boarding 

Whitewater paddle boarding is an exhilarating and difficult activity that requires navigating rapids and choppy waves on a paddle board. It’s more difficult and technical than regular paddle boarding on calm waters, and it also calls for specific gear.

Whitewater paddle boarding provides the thrill and sense of adventure that comes with navigating fast-moving water. The continuous adjustments needed to keep balance and navigate rapids use a variety of muscles, so it's also an excellent workout. While paddling through secluded river valleys and gorges that might not be reachable by any other means. 

You’ll need prior paddle boarding and whitewater kayaking experience in order to try whitewater paddle boarding. You'll also need a board made expressly for whitewater, which is often wider and shorter than a regular paddle board for better stability and maneuverability. Finally, be sure to wear a helmet, a personal floatation device, and other safety gear made for whitewater sports.

14. Snorkeling and Diving

Paddle board snorkeling and diving is a unique way to explore the underwater world. The beauty and serenity of snorkelling or diving are combined with the fun and thrill of paddle boarding. 

Paddle board diving and snorkelling bring you a lot of freedom and flexibility. You can easily explore a range of underwater habitats with a paddle board, from shallow reefs to deeper offshore locations. You can see a wide variety of marine creatures and underwater landscapes thanks to your standing position, which provides a better view of the surrounding underwater environment.

15. Paddle Board Picnic

A fun and different way to spend time in the great outdoors with friends and family is to have a paddle board picnic. Your casual paddle board outing can be transformed into a tasty adventure with a little planning and imagination.

Bring lightweight and non-perishable snacks like nuts, dried fruit, and granola bars, items that are simple to carry and won’t spoil in the sun. You can also take sandwiches, wraps, fruit, and other chilled snacks in a small cooler with ice packs. Just be sure to clean up after yourself and leave the area better than you found it, so that others can enjoy the same natural beauty for years to come!

How Can I Make Paddle Boarding More Fun?

There are various methods to spice paddle boarding up and make it more interesting and amusing. Here are some ideas to increase the fun factor of paddle boarding:

  • Try new locations. Instead of staying in the same spot, explore new areas and bodies of water. Paddle boarding is possible in rivers, lakes, the ocean, and even swimming pools. 

  • Bring a buddy. Paddle boarding can be more pleasurable and exciting when done with friends or family. While paddling, you can converse, share your experiences, and even do fun activities together.

  • Set goals. This can make paddle boarding more challenging and satisfying, whether it's paddling to a certain location or becoming an expert in a new technique.

  • Mix it up: Include diverse activities like yoga, fishing, or even a picnic in your paddle boarding excursion.

Endless Possibilities for Adventure on Your Maddle Paddle Board

Paddle boarding offers a wide selection of experiences and activities that everybody can enjoy, regardless of your skill level. There are lots of ways to enhance the fun and enjoyment of paddle boarding, from yoga and fitness to fishing and racing. You can push yourself or just putter around with your friends. By trying out different places, varying your activities, and setting goals you can always stay stoked to head out on the water. So gather your pals, hop on a paddle board, and head out to sea for an incredible trip!

Looking for a high quality, affordable  inflatable paddle? Maddle Paddle Boards are one of the best around boards to partake in all these activities.

woman standing on beach with paddle board

Camille Brodeur

Driven by the intersection of lifestyle and fitness, Camille's mission is to inspire others to integrate elements of beauty and aesthetic into their outdoor activities. Her depth of experience in the paddle boarding world allows her to inform and motivate others to get out on the water in the safest and most fun ways possible. Whether it be through her work at Maddle or elsewhere, Camille continuously strives to expand the public consciousness surrounding SUPs.


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